More Than 40 Million Adults Provide Home Care For Chronically Ill, Disabled, and Elderly Relatives, and Others

More Than 40 Million Adults Provide Home Care For Chronically Ill, Disabled, and Elderly Relatives, and Others

New York Health Care, Inc., a licensed home care agency in its 34th year of servicing the greater New York metropolitan area and beyond with home caregivers, nursing, and other services, commented on a recent Wall Street Journal interview regarding the complexities involved in caring for the more than 40 million chronically ill, disabled, and elderly. “More and more family members and/or those with a relationship to the patient are taking care of those homebound due to illness, disability, or age,” stated Murry Englard, the Company’s CEO.

“.We are embarking on a program to stress to our CDPAP clients the importance of proper training and use of techniques and simple skills needed to care for this population. It is vitally important that caregivers who are being charged with performing complex care tasks know what they are doing,” added Mr. Englard.

In a recent interview featured in the Wall Street Journal on July 18, 2016 by Laura Landro (see full interview here) it was accurately stated that millions of homebound, due to age or disability, are being cared for by family members.

“We have seen this trend with the introduction and expansion of our CDPAP program, which specifically allows those in need of home care to hire a family member or friend to administer their care. It is apparent that this trend will continue. We believe that those closest to the patient are uniquely qualified to deliver care with a high degree of familiarity. Those elements typically have a positive impact on the recipient,” added Paulette Fenner, the Company’s CDPAP Coordinator. We urge family members and others to become well-versed in certain techniques so that in the event of an emergency, they are prepared.

CDPAP is a statewide Medicaid program that provides an alternative way of receiving home care services. Under this program, the consumer has more control over who provides their care and how it is provided.

Does the patient have Medicaid?
Does your patient have Medicaid?
What is your relationship to the patient?
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Does the patient have Medicaid?