Category: News

New York Health Care, Inc. Sees Continued Growth In Its CDPAP Program

New York Health Care, Inc., a licensed home health care agency servicing the five boroughs of New York, Nassau and Suffolk Counties on Long Island, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and upstate New York, today announced that it continues to see strong and growing demand for its CDPAP (Consumer Directed Personal Assistance) program…

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New York Health Care, Inc. Launches Research Project On The Effects Of Brain Exercise On Memory Function

New York Health Care, Inc. (NYHC), a licensed home health care agency in its 34th year of operation, which provides home health care services as well as CDPAP (consumer directed personal assistant program services,) announced that it has been researching the concept of improving memory in seniors through brain stimulating exercises. NYHC has been gathering and reviewing relevant articles and scientific studies published and available on this topic from numerous sources…

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More Than 40 Million Adults Provide Home Care For Chronically Ill, Disabled, and Elderly Relatives, and Others

New York Health Care, Inc., a licensed home care agency in its 34th year of servicing the greater New York metropolitan area and beyond with home care givers, nursing, and other services commented on a recent Wall Street Journal interview regarding the complexities involved in caring for the more than 40 million chronically ill, disabled, and elderly. “More and more family members and/or those with a relationship to the patient, are taking care of those homebound due to illness, disability, or age,” stated Murry Englard, the Company’s CEO…

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New York Health Care, Inc. Is Well Positioned For Projected Explosion In Demand For CDPAP Services

New York Health Care, Inc. today announced that it is well positioned for the coming surge in demand for CDPAPservices. Effective April 1, 2016, certain family members previously not approved to provide CDPAP will be approved as caregivers. Starting April 2016, parents of disabled adult children will be allowed to serve as CDPAP aides if they are not also the recipient’s designated representative…

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Hand Washing Techniques

Keeping hands clean prevents illness at home, at school and at work. Hand hygiene practices are key prevention tools for everyone. To protect yourself from germs, thoroughly wash your hands.

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Does the patient have Medicaid?
Does your patient have Medicaid?
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Does the patient have Medicaid?